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  3. Prof. Dr. Yakup Yıldırım

“Prof. Dr. Yakup Yıldırım” Adresi

Doktor Hakkında “Prof. Dr. Yakup Yıldırım”

Prof. Dr. Yakup Yıldırım, Kurtköy Ersoy Hastanesi’nde Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı olarak hizmet vermektedir.

1987-1994 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi

1994-1999 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.B.D. Uzmanlık Eğitimi

1999-2005 Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı Acıbadem Hastanesi/ İSTANBUL

2005-2006 Research Fellow Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia/ A.B.D.

2006-2011 Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı Doç.Dr. SEMA Hastanesi İSTANBUL

2011- 2016 Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı Prof.Dr. Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp

Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.B.D.


A1. Tetik C., Yildirim Y., Esemenli T: Foot problems in stroke patients. Physical Medicine 1: 75-80, (1998).
A2. Yildirim Y., Kara H, Demirkaya M., Orhan Z.: Foot problems in cerebro-vascular accidents. J. Duzce Medical Faculty 1: 122-128, (2000).

A3. Demirkaya M., Kara H, Yildirim Y., Orhan Z.: Radiological and histological follow-up of the menisci healing after ACL reconstruction. An experimental study. Acta Orthop.Turcica. 34: 517-522,(2000).

A4. Tetik C., Erol B., Ünal M.B., Cabukoglu C, Yildirim Y.: Ligament reconstruction and tendon interposition arthroplasty of the trapeziometacarpal joint with the use of the entire flexor carpi radialis tendon. Acta Orthop.Turcica. 35: 220-226, (2001).

A5. Yildirim, Y. Esemenli, T. : Initial pull-out strength of tendon sutures: An in vitro study sheep Achilles tendon, Foot Ankle Int, 23, 1126-1130 (2002).

A6. Esemenli, T. Yildirim, Y. Bezer, M. :Lateral shifting of the first metatarsal head in hallux valgus surgery: Effect on sesamoid reduction, Foot Ankle Int, 24, 922-926 (2003).

A7. Yildirim Y., Esemenli T: Foot and ankle injuries in child and adolescent athletes. Acta Orthop.Turcica. 38 Suppl 1:145-150, (2004).

A8. Cabukoglu, C. Guven, O. Yildirim, Y. Kara, H. Ramadan, S.S. “Effect of sagittal plane deformity of the lumbar spine on epidural fibrosis formation after laminectomy: an experimental study in the rat,” Spine, .29, 2242-2247 (2004).

A9. Bezer, M. Yildirim,Y. Erol, B. Guven, O. “Absorbable self-reinforced polylactide (SR-PLLA) rods vs rigid rods (K-wire) in spinal fusion: an experimental study in rabbits,” Eur Spine J., 14, 227-233 (2005).

A10. Yildirim, Y. Cabukoglu, C. Erol, B. Esemenli, T. :Effect of metatarsophalangeal joint position on the reliability of the tangential sesamoid view in determining sesamoid position, Foot Ankle Int., 26, 247-250 (2005).
A11. Saygı B., Yildirim Y., Saygı EK., Kara H., Esemenli E.: :Morton neuroma: comparative results of two conservative methods, Foot Ankle Int.,Saygı, B. 26, 556-559 (2005).

A12. Saygı B., Yildirim Y., Berker N., Ofluoglu D., Karadag SE., Karahan M.: : Evaluation of the neurosensory function of the medial meniscus in humans,
Arthroscopy, 21,1468-1472 (2005).

A13. Bezer, M. Yildirim, Y. Akgun, U. Erol, B. Guven, O. :Superior excursion of the humeral head: a diagnostic tool in rotator cuff tear surgery, J. Shoulder Elbow Surg., 14, 375-379 (2005).

A14. Yildirim, Y. Saygı, B. :Congenital absence of the lateral sesamoid, J. Am Podiatr Med Assoc., 96, 78-81 (2006).

A15. Yildirim, Y. Kara, H. Cabukoglu, C. Esemenli, T. Suture holding capacity of the Achilles tendon during the healing period: an in vivo experimental study in rabbits, Foot Ankle Int., 27, 121-124 (2006).

A16. Saygı B., Karadag SE., Erzik C., Erkan M., Yildirim Y.: Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation of the little toe, J Am Podiatr Med Assoc., 96, 158-161 (2006).

A17. Saygi B., Yildirim Y.:Accessory lateral discoid meniscus, Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc., 14, 1278-1280 (2006).

A18. Yildirim Y, Saygi B, Cabukoglu C, Kara H: Tendon holding capacities of various suture materials used in Achilles tendon repair. Acta Ortopaedica Traumatologica Turcica 40: 164-168. (2006)

A19. Mecikoglu M., Saygi B., Yildirim Y., Karadag-Saygı E., Ramadan SS., Esemenli T.: :The effect of proteolytic enzyme serratiopeptidase in the treatment of experimental implant-related infection, J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 88,1208-1214 (2006).

A20. Yildirim Y., Saygi b., Aydın N., Cabukoglu C., Bautista S.: Components of the Wilson osteotomy that are effective on hallux valgus repair, J Foot Ankle Surg., 46, 21-26 (2007).

A21. Yildirim Y, Bautista S, Davidson RS.: The effect of slip grade and chronicity on the development of femur avascular necrosis in surgically treated slipped capital femoral epiphyses Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc.;41(2):97-103 (2007)

A22. Yildirim, Y. Bautista, S. Davidson, R.S.: Chondrolysis, Osteonecrosis, Slip severity in contralateral slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surg. (Am), 90, 485-492 (2008)

A23. Saygi B, Yildirim Y, Cabukoğlu C, Kara H, Ramadan SS, Esemenli T.: The effect of dehydration and irrigation on the healing of Achilles tendon: an experimental study. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. Apr;14(2):103-9. (2008)

A24. Saygı B., Sarıtzalı İ., Karaman Ö., Yıldırım Y., Tetik C., Esemenli T.: The effect of dehydration and irrigation on tendon adhesion formation after tendon exposure. Acta Orthop. Traumatolog Turc. 46(5): 393-7. (2012)

A25. Yıldırım Y., Bawaneh M., Balıkcı T., Bal H.: The medial epicondyle-ulnar nerve relation with various elbow positions in healthy children. J. Pediatric Orthop. Jun 34 (4) 437-440. (2014)

A26. Yıldırım Y., Ergun S., Akgulle AH., Cansü E.: Calcaneocuboid joint dislocation: Case report. J.Am. Podiatr. Med. Assoc. 104 (6): 644-8. (2014)

A27. Cansu E., Balıkcı T., Asansu M., Ergun S., Yıldırım Y.,: Do timing of injection and status of the suction drain effect postoperative pain scores after intra-articular bupivacaine injection in arthroscopic ACL reconstruction?Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. ;49(1) (2015)

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Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji

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