Kadın Doğum Uzmanı - Samsun

“Ass. Dr. Özge Ünal” Adresi
Doktor Hakkında “Ass. Dr. Özge Ünal”
Bölümü : Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum
Uzmanlık Alanı : Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum
Mezun Olduğu Fakülte ve Yılı : İST. ÜNİV.CERRAHPAŞA TIP FAKÜLTESİ/ 1979
Da vinci Robotik Cerrahi Sertifikası ( )
16.Ulusal Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi (9-13 Mayıs 2018 Antalya. Konuşmacı)
Jinekolojik ve Genitoüriner Kanserler Sempozyumu (Sapanca Onkoloji Günleri. Konuşmacı)
25.European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology.(17-21 May 2017)
X. Turkish German Gynec. Congress (April 30 th- May 4 th, 2014)
Üriner İnkontinans Hasta Değerlendirme, Konservatif Tedavi Multidisipliner Yaklaşım Kursu ) İst. ÜNİVERSİTESİ Tıp fakültesi- Türk Ürojinekoloji ve Pelvik Rekonstruktif Cerrahi Derneği.
Cadaveric Dissection Course. October 18th-19th, 2014. İzmir-TURKEY
Minimal İnvaziv Jinekolojik Cerrahi Kursu. Konuşmacı. 23-24 Aralık 2017 Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Ümraniye Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi.
III. Ürojinekolojide Güncel Yaklaşımlar Sempozyumu. Bilimsel katkı. Konuşmacı
IV. Ulusal Kolposkopi ve Servikal Patolojiler Kongresi. 05-08 Kasım 2015 Ramada Plaza/Antalya.
Kuyumcuoğlu U, Unal O, Atar NE, Demirci AF, Ficicioglu C. The Effects of D.O.P.E on Birth Weight. VII. World Congress on Human Reproduction, 26 June – 1 July 1990. Abstract Book, Helsinki, Finland.
Atar NE, Kuyumcuoğlu U, Unal O, Demirci AF. Immunologic basis of premature ovarian failure. VII. World Congress on Human Reproduction, 26 June – 1 July 1990. Abstract Book, Helsinki, Finland.
Unal O, Kuyumcuoğlu U, Kilavuz S, Hekim N, Kuyumcuoğlu ZD, Demirci F. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: Gonadal Androgen Positive. “ II. Congress of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 18-13 March, 1990, Jerusalem, Israel.
Dansuk R, Unal O, Turan C. Evaluation of the effect of tibolone and transdermal estradiol on triglyceride level in hyperglycemic and normotriglycemic postmenopausal women. The 10th World Congress on the Menopause 10-14 June 2002. Climacteric (5 suppl), 176 Berlin, Germany, 2002
Dansuk R, Unal O, Karageyim Y, Turan C. Evaluation of the effect of various gestagens in HRT regimens on insulin resistance in postmenopausal women” NAMS (The North American Menopause Society) 14th Annual Meeting, 17-20 September 2003 Miami, USA Program and Abstract Book.
Dansuk R, Turan C, Unal O, Esim E., “Kan Östradiol düzeyleri ile HRT monitarizasyonu yapılabilir mi?” 2. International and 5. National Congress on Menopause and Osteoporosis Progamme and abstract book 18-21 Eylül İstanbul 2002.
Dansuk R, Unal O, Turan C. “Çeşitli östrojen formlarının kan lipidleri üzerine etkisi”, 2. International and 5. National Congress on Menopause and Osteoporosis Osteoporosis Progamme and abstract book 18-21 Eylül İstanbul 2002
Dansuk R, Unal O, Durmaz C, Turan C. Evaluation of the effect of various estrogens using in ERT on insulin resistance in the surgical postmenopausal women. 6th European Congress on Menopause, 24-28 May 2003 Bucharest. Maturitas, (44 suppl)131-132, 2003.
Dansuk R, Unal O, Esim E , Turan C. Evaluation of the effect of various HRT regimens on insulin resistance in the postmenopausal women. 6th European Congress on Menopause, 24-28 May 2003 Bucharest. Maturitas, (44 suppl), .
Api O, Aygün E, Kars B, Cengizoğlu B, Bulut S, Turan C, Ünal O. Oxytocin infusion in labor: the use of different diluents on neonatal biluribin levels. VI. International Congress of the Turkish –German Gynecological Association, Vol.271, 29-30, Antalya, 2005.
Api O, Ünal O, Karageyim Y, Balçık O, Kara Ö, Doğançe U, Akıl A, Api M, “An analysis of 421 non-elective cesarean sections: factors associated with hemorrhage”, VI. International Congress of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association, Vol.271, 30, Antalya, 2005.
Dr.A. Yasemin Karageyim Karşıdağ, Dr. Nazike Aydoğdu, Dr. Nevriye Alkan, Dr.Ramazan Dansuk, Dr. Bülent Kars, Dr. Cem Turan, Dr. Orhan Ünal. Effects of raloxifene and low dose hormone therapy on blood chemistry and kupperman index in postmenopausal women. European congress on menopause, EMAS, İstanbul, 2006
Api O, Ugurel V, Emeksiz M, Turan C, Unal O, “Administration of Perfalgan (A New Paracetamol Solution for Infusion) for postprocedure analgesia following outpatient endometrial sampling: A double-blind, placebo-controlled prospective randomized trial,” VII. International Congress of The Turkish-German Gynecological Association, Vol. 275, 18-19, Antalya, 2007.
Dr. Bülent Kars, Dr.A. Yasemin Karageyim Karşıdağ, Dr.Ramazan Dansuk, Dr. Birol Cengizoğlu, Dr. Cem Turan, Dr. Orhan Ünal. Prenatal diagnosis and management of severe aortic stenosis: 2 case reports. International Congress of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association, May 2007; Antalya
Dr. Bülent Kars, Dr.A. Yasemin Karageyim Karşıdağ, Dr.Ramazan Dansuk, Dr. Birol Cengizoğlu, Dr. Cem Turan, Dr. Orhan Ünal. Prenatal Diagnosis and management of congenital goitrous hypothyroidism. International Congress of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association, May 2007; Antalya
Api O, Emeksiz M, Ugurel V, Turan C, Unal O, “Does uterine fundal pressure shorten the second stage of labor without having any adverse effects on umbilical cord blood gas analysis and Apgar scores? A Prospective, randomized controlled trial.,” 8th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Vol 35, 56, Florence, Italy, 2007.
Api O, Emeksiz MB, Api M, Ugurel V, Unal O, “The Modified Myocardial Performance Index for Evaluation of Fetal Cardiac Function In Preeclampsia,” 21st European Congress of Perinatal Medicine (ECPM), Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.
Api O, Demir HN, Api M, Tamer I, Orbay E, Unal O, “Anxiety scores before and after genetic sonogram,” 21st European Congress of Perinatal Medicine (ECPM), Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.
Bilici A, Salepçi T, Oven B, Seker M, Salman T, Gumus M, Yaylaci M, Turan C, Unal O, Kars B. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgical sytoreduction in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: A single center experience. 12th Biannual Meeting International Gynecologic Cancer Society, October 25-282008, Bangkok, Thailand
Buyukbayrak E, Kaymaz Ö,Kars B, Karsidag Y, Unal O, Turan C. Dequalinium chloride: is it an effective alternative for local treatment of vaginal infections? 8th Turkish German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May 32009, Antalya/ Turkey.
Buyukbayrak EE, Kars B, Karsidag Y, Kaymaz O, Unal O, Turan C. Diagnosis of vulvovaginitis: comparison of clinical diagnosis and microbiological diagnosis. 8th Turkish German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May 32009, Antalya/ Turkey
Buyukbayrak EE, Yilmazer G, Ozyapi A, Karsidag Y, Kars B, Unal O, Turan C. Succesful mangement of uterine prolapse during pregnancy with vaginal pessary. 8th Turkish German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May32009, Antalya/ Turkey.
Akıl A, Api O, Can EÖ, Cengizoğlu B, Turan C, Ünal O. Plasenta invazyon anomalisi olan 4 olgunun retrospektif analizi. 8th Turkish German Gynecology Congress, April29-May32009,Antalya/Turkey.
Akıl A, Api O, Demir C, Bektaş Y, Onan A, Cengizoğlu B, Turan C, Ünal O. The effect of IV deksketoprofen and paracetamol on episiotomy pain, a randomized study. 8th Turkish German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May 32009, Antalya/ Turkey.
Ünal O, Kars B, Kara Ö, Büyükbayrak EE, Karşıdağ AYY, Bulut S, Turan MC. TOT procedure for treatment of stres incontinence. 8th Turkish German Gynecology Congress, April29-May32009,Antalya/Turkey.
Kars B, Karşıdağ AYY, Büyükbayrak EE, Demir C, Sakin Ö, Kaymaz Ö, Özkan S, Turan MC, Ünal O. The randomized comparison of five different analgesic procedure during endometrial sampling. 8th Turkish German Gynecology Congress, April29-May32009, Antalya/Turkey.
Kars B, Karşıdağ AYY, Büyükbayrak EE, CanEÖ, Turan MC, Ünal O. Cesarean myomectomy: is it a safe procedure? 8th Turkish German Gynecology Congress, April 29 –May32009,Antalya/Turkey.
Yaşar E, Çelik H, Api O, Ünal O. Plasenta invazyon anomalisi olan ve olmayan plasenta previa olgularında obstetrik risk faktörleri ve perinatal sonuçların karşılaştırılması. 8th Turkish German Gynecology Congress, 29 Nisan-3 Mayıs 2009, Antalya.
Naki M. M, Api O, Celik H, Kars B, Yasar E, Unal O. Comparative study of Misgav-Ladach and Pfannenstiel-Kerr caesarean techniques: A randomized controlled trial. 22nd European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 2010
O. Api, B. Ergen, M. M. Naki, C. Turan, O Unal. Reproducibility of the modified myocardial performance (TEI) index in growth-restricted fetuses. 22nd European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 2010
O.Api, B. Ergen, M. Api, M. M. Naki, C. Turan, O. Unal. The agreement between myocardial performance (TEI) index and cardiovascular profile score in growth-restricted fetuses. 22nd European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 20
Hasniye Celik Acioglu, Yasemin Karageyim Karsıdag, Esra Esim Buyukbayrak, Bulent Kars, Meltem Pirimoglu, Orhan Unal, Cem Turan. A Case Of Vulvar Leiomyoma. 11th. Turkısh- German Gynecology Congress, May 4-82011, Antalya.
“Ass. Dr. Özge Ünal” Cevaplar