Mersin - Genel Cerrahi Doktoru

“Op. Dr. Kazım Gemici” Adresi
Doktor Hakkında “Op. Dr. Kazım Gemici”
Name :Kazım Gemici
Citizenship :Turkey
Place of Birth :Turkey
Date of Birth :November 11th ,1971
MaritalStatus :Married
1978-1983 Hatice Uluğ Elementary School Mersin/ Turkey
1983-1989 Gazi High School Mersin/ Turkey
1990-1996 EgeUniversityFaculty of Medicine İzmir/ Turkey
1997-2002 Ankara Dışkapı SSK Hospital of Education, GeneralSurgery, Ankara
/ Turkey
2002-2007 ŞanlıUrfa Devlet hastanesi, General Surgery
2007-2015 Mevlana University, General Surgery
1996 M.D.Degree (Ege University1996 Certification)
2002 GeneralSurgeon / Turkey
2013 AssistantProfessorship, Mevlana University/Turkey
Peer-Reviewed Publications indexed in SCI & SCIE Journals
1. Gemici K, Kucukpinar T, Cifter C, Okus A, Ay S. Theeffect of hyaluronate-carboxymethyl-cellulose on theformation of postoperative adhesion in stomach visceral peritoneum damage. Bratislleklisty. 2014;115(12):749-752.
2. K. Gemici, T. Acar, S. Barıs, M. Yıldız, C. Sever, M. Bilgi, S. Senturk. Lower recurrence rate withfull-thickness mesh fixation in incisional hernia repair. Hernia DOI . Kazım Gemici, İbrahim Buldu, Türker Acar, Hüsnü Alptekin,Mehmet Kaynar, Erdem Tekinarslan,TunaKaratağ, Duran Efe,Tevfik Küçükkartallar , Mustafa Okan İstanbulluoğlu.Management of patıents wıth retroperıtoneal tumorsand a revıew of the lıterature. World Journal of Surgical Oncology DOI 015-0548-z
4. Mustafa Gölen, Türker Acar, Duran Efe, Kazım Gemici. Co-occurrence of thoraco-lumbar intramedullary lipoma and intracranial lipoma during Gardner’s syndrome:a rare occurrence. Acta Neurochir DOI 015-2456-y.
5. GokcenCoban,Hilal Erinanc¸ErkanYildirim,Kazim Gemici. MRI findings of lumbo-sacral metastasis thyroid cancer: report of a case. SurgToday (2014) 44:553–557.
6. S.Şentürk,A.Özkan,K.Gemici. The dome procedure: a new technique fort he reconstrution of the umbilicus. Hernia DOI 015-1420-3.
7. Duran Efe, Fatih Aygün, Türker Acar, Melda Yildizan,Kazim Gemici.Investigation of relation between visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat volumes and calcified aortic plaques via multislice computed tomography. VascularDOI: 10.1177 / .
Peer-Reviewed Publications in Journalsindexedotherthan SCI & SCIE
1. Kazım Gemici, Ahmet Okuş, Serden Ay. Vascular Z-shapedligationtechnique in surgicaltreatment of haemorrhoid. World J GastrointestSurg 2015January 27; 7(1): 10-14.Pupmed
2. KazımGemici,AhmetOkuş,Melda Yıldız, Mustafa Şahin, Mustafa Bilgi. A surgeon’s nıghtmare:complıcatıons. Ulus Cerrahi Derg 2015; 31: 90-1.Pupmed
3. K. GEMICI, M. BILGI, H. KATLANDUR, A. KUZGUN, M. YILDIZ, A. OKUŞ, S. AY.A rare persistent postoperative vomiting cause: pericardial effusion. CHIRURGIA.2014;27-1:1-2.
4. Kazım Gemici, Yıldıray Dal, Feridun Koyuncu. Çekum Divertikülit Perforasyonuyla Eş Zamanlı Retroçekal Apandisit. Selçuk Tıp Derg 2014;30(3): 142-144.
5. Kazım GEMICI, Ahmet OKUŞ, Bilal ARIK, Türker ACAR, Duran EFE.A rare reason of ileus: Paraduodenal Hernia. TürkiyeKlinikleri Case Roportonprint
6. KazımGemiciM.D,Sadık Şentürk M.D,AhmetOkuş M.D. Surgical treatment of expansive sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus with the spider procedure. EJGM onprint
7. Melda Yıldız,Murat Yıldız, Kazım Gemici, Duran Efe, Türker Acar. An Adult Bochdalek Hernia Presenting With Constipation and Shortness of Breath. CausaPedia. 2014;3:9898. Turker Acar MD, Duran Efe MD, Melda Yildiz MD, Kazim Gemici MD, Serkan
Guneyli MD. Computedtomographyangiography (CTA) findings of lupus- associated intestinalvasculitis. EuJRheum- 2014-0071.
9. Melda Yıldız,MuratYıldız,KazımGemici,Türker Acar, Duran Efe. A rare Cause of Abdominal Pain:Primary Epiploic Appendagitis. CausaPedia 2014;3:1007.
10. Türker Acar, Duran Efe, Kazım Gemici, Serkan Güneyli. Primary Epiploic Appendagitis. Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine. On print
11. Ebubekir Gündeş, Tevfik Küçükkartallar,Murat Çakır, Kazım Gemici, Hacı Hasan Esen. Incıdental neuroendocrıne carcınoma of the gallbladder. EJGM.onprint.
“Op. Dr. Kazım Gemici” Cevaplar